My years (15) in Australia – first as a professor at Bond University, then as a full-time potter – have been amazing!

We moved to Australia accidentally. We never really “planned” to be here. But life has a funny way of leading you where it wants you to go.

I was working in Texas-doing pottery on the side – as I have done most of my life. Then we moved to Australia and I got a great job teaching at Bond Uni.

After teaching at Bond Uni, I started doing pottery full time, moved to our bush property, and began writing this blog. The blog has been a great way to document my progress, the people in my life and all of the fabulous pottery opportunities that I was so fortunate to enjoy.

I’ve put together this photo memory piece for you, but feel free to go through the blog to see what all has happened here!

The blog will undoubtably change in the upcoming months to reflect my new life and work in Texas, but I plan to stick to a similar format with similar information.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I’ve enjoyed reliving it all in photos!